Taumel der Ereignisse - translation to Αγγλικά
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Taumel der Ereignisse - translation to Αγγλικά

Der Kommisar; Der kommissar; Der Kommissar (disambiguation)

Taumel der Ereignisse      
whirl of events
Hugo van der Goes         
  • ''The Fall and Redemption of Man''
  • ''The Adoration of the Kings'' ([[Monforte Altarpiece]])
  • Shepherds from the Portinari Triptych
  • ''Portrait of a Man at Prayer with St John the Baptist''
  • ''Saint George and the Dragon''
  • 280px
  • Adoration of the Shepherds]]''
  • Still life from the Portinari Triptych
  • Portinari Triptych]]
  • ''Death of the Virgin''
Hugo van Der Goes; Hugo Van der Goes; Hugo Goes; Hugo van der goes; Hugo Van Der Goes
Hugo van der Goes, (ca. 1440-1482) flemischer Renaissance Maler, Maler des Kunstwerks "Jakob begegnet Rachel"
van der Waals         
Johannes Diderik van der Waals, (1837-1923) niederländischer Physiker, erhielt den Nobelpreis für Physik im Jahre 1910; van der Waals, Nachname


van der Waals forces
[?van d?'w?:lz, 'v?:lz]
¦ plural noun Chemistry weak, short-range electrostatic attractive forces between uncharged molecules, arising from the interaction of permanent or transient electric dipole moments.
C19: named after the Dutch physicist Johannes van der Waals.


Der Kommissar

Der Kommissar may refer to:

  • "Der Kommissar" (song), the name of a 1981/1982 hit single by the Austrian musician Falco, covered in 1983 by the British act After the Fire
  • Der Kommissar (album), an album by After the Fire
  • Der Kommissar (German: "The Commissioner"), a term used in relation to law enforcement in Germany
  • Der Kommissar - The CBS Recordings, a reissue of After the Fire's albums
  • Der Kommissar (TV series), a German TV series
  • Der Kommissar (fashion), lingerie line of Annelies Nuy